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IHRB contributes to Sida Development Talk on ICT: Threats and Opportunities for Human Rights
Threats to an ICT system
Trauma and Technology: The Role of ICT in Women's Safety and Mental Health Interventions
Discussion on ICT work to promote human rights and democratic freedom for people of Tibet.
Plenary Discussion on ICT Infrastructure To Support in Development of Counties
ICT and Human Rights / SASYHR2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 ITU member nations pledge to use ICT for sustainable growth
SMS for Human Rights
RightsCon 2014: Privatised Enforcement and Corporate Censorship: The Future of Freedom of Expression
SIF14: Parallel session 2.1 -- 'No trade-off'
Kibugat Village Volunteers Presentation for the 2nd ICT for Development Conference Oct 2011